Complete project coming soon
At the age of 16 I started developing an interest in design, more specifically in sport shoes design. So I started drawing sneakers. But I wanted to design futuristic sneakers. in 1996 (22 years old) I designed the brand showcased on this page. The goal back then, and this goal is still alive today was and still is to compete and even take the place of Nike as the No.1 sneaker manufacture in the world.
Ideation / Art direction / Brand Design / Graphic Design / Naming / Slogan creation
The challenge
The challenge I faced when I wanted to design a brand that would compete with nike was that I needed a name, a differentiation factor and a killer logo that would have an impact when placed on a sneaker.
And with FLY³® (FLYCUBE) I accomplished all of that. FLY³® is memorable and it just works. Plus who has never dreamed
of having wings on their shoes…
FLY³® | The Brand With Wings™ | Get Your Wings™
Description coming soon